freestanding kitchen island with large bay windows

How to Create a Cosy Nook in Your Freestanding Kitchen

Maximise every inch of your freestanding kitchen and introduce a cosy nook in one of the underused corners or recesses of your space. 

A kitchen nook can be a great way to create an informal, relaxed seating area; perfect for intimate evening meals, a weekend read by the window, or a quiet space in which to get stuck into some work on a Monday morning.

Whatever the dimensions of your floor plan, and thanks to our ability to create kitchen furniture to your exact specifications, a peaceful sanctuary is well within reach for your dream kitchen. All that’s needed is a quiet corner or pleasant window view, and we can do the rest.

Let’s take a look at some of the things to consider when creating a cosy kitchen nook:

Let there be natural light! 

A great way to maximise the natural light sources at your disposal, and introduce stunning views from your nook space, is to position your newly developed area near a window…the larger the better!  What could be more relaxing than taking a seat and appreciating the great outdoors from the comfort of your kitchen? 

Utilize any bay windows your kitchen might have and add a round table and bespoke cabinet bench seating around the bay. Or, if space is of a premium, run a single-seater bench along the wall and introduce a smaller breakfast-style table and chair. Slightly cosier, same desired nook effect.

shaker seating bench

Make the most of a corner!

If you’ve got an unused corner in your freestanding kitchen, take advantage of the redundant space and include some smart freestanding bench cabinets. Not only can you create a comfortable, stylish seating area, with plenty of smart storage options available, you can also make your freestanding furniture work for you.

It’s the ideal solution if you’re looking for a dedicated social area; a place to relax on weekend mornings, or just a quiet space in which to work. Make sure to include ample lighting, either on walls or ceilings, particularly if it’s a dark corner with minimal natural light. If room allows, think about including some freestanding storage cabinets and shelving for that extra bit of functionality to your nook, as well as a space to keep your personal belongings and artwork to add some individual flair to the area.

Smart cabinet bench choices

If space is limited, abandon kitchen chairs and go for a rustic shaker bench with integrated storage and a selection of cushions to keep things cosy. For the desired effect, simply introduce a lower level in between your freestanding worktops so you can sit comfortably.

Again, ideally, your kitchen nook bench should be fitted between freestanding shaker cabinets in a well-lit space near a window. Make sure that you use a different worktop surface for this area to create a designated relaxation zone; perfect for a casual Sunday morning breakfast.

This design approach can work beautifully with traditional shaker and country kitchens, and the addition of shelving in close proximity will allow you to keep books in easy reach; while adding plants will furnish your new area with natural bursts of colour. Talking of which…

window nook

Choose your colour scheme wisely

A kitchen nook can be a great excuse to experiment with some interesting textures, finishes, and colour schemes. By design, your nook aims to be a separate area from the rest of your kitchen, so there’s a real chance to make it a focal point by introducing some clever tonal choices.

For a warm, relaxing ambience, think about using earthy hues like dark reds and terracotta, while splashing your freestanding cabinets with lighter, neutral tones to create contrast. This will allow for a distinct polarity between your nook and other sections of the kitchen and emphasise the essence of a cosy hideaway. Brick feature walls and natural timber cabinets within your nook area are also superb methods of achieving that calming yet stylish aesthetic for your space.

natural wood worktop

How can we help?

As well as the social and comfort benefits of a kitchen nook, these well-thought-out areas can be hugely practical with some clever storage and shelving solutions. Whatever the size of your space, it’s possible to create some form of relaxation zone within your freestanding kitchen. If you’d like to talk to any of the team here at Hugo & Blake, and see how our designers might introduce a nook into your plans, then please get in touch. With Hugo & Blake, anything is possible! 

Posted on November 22nd 2022

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